

Gambit for Mac OSX

Mac OS9の時代にMacGambitというLISP系言語があった。LISPは何だか分からない人も多いだろうが、かつてBASICなる言語が初期のパーコンに搭載されていた事なら知っている人も多いだろう。MacGambitはBASICと同じようなインタープリター系言語で、命令を打ち込めば直接実行もできた。ただ残念ながら、ほぼすべてのLISP処理系言語と同様の欠点があった。それは日本語処理はまずもって不可能だという事だ。それにインタープリター処理系言語の常で、大きな処理をさせてみると速度低下が極端に表面化するのだ。そんな言語だったGambitはどうなっているのだろうと調べてみた。

LISPで検索すると1-2個の処理系がヒットするけれど、Gambit と OSX で検索するとすぐに目的のサイトに辿り着いた。2012年1月現在のバージョンは4.6.3になっている。昔と違ってMac OSX ばかりでなく、Windowsや、さらにiPhoneなどでも実行できるようになっている。ここからdistributionページへ移動してプログラムをダウンロードする。ただし、iPhone用はApp StoreにてGambit REPLで販売されている。OSX用はインテルマック用は更新されているが、G4やG5マック用は2010年で更新が止まっている。とはいえソースコードが公開されているので、一度自分が使っているマシンでコンパイルしてみればいいのだ。


xxxx$ gsi
Gamibit v4.6.0

もしも、ソースコードをコンパイルしたのならデフォールト状態で gsi は /usr/local/Gambit-C/bin 以下にインストールされるので、パスを追加しなければいくらターミナルから gsi を入力しても反応しない。パスを通すには
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Gambit-C/bin
ターミナルから上記を入力すると gsi が起動するようになる。
vi ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Gambit-C/bin

Gambit が起動できたなら、次のようなプログラムを入力してみよう。
> (define (fact n) (if (< n 2) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
> (fact 30)
> ,q

> (+ 4 (/ (* 28 4) (sqrt 25)))
> (expt 7 12)

最初の物は4+ 28*4/(√25)を計算したものだ。出力が分数になっているのがお分かりいただけるだろうか。結果が分数ではなく無理数となるなら、答えは小数点表示になる。



(define (pi-brent-salamin-approximate base k) ; k is number of digits

(define base^k (expt base k))

(define (fixed.+ x y)
(+ x y))

(define (fixed.- x y)
(- x y))

(define (fixed.* x y)
(quotient (* x y) base^k))

(define (fixed.square x)
(fixed.* x x))

(define (fixed./ x y)
(quotient (* x base^k) y))

(define (fixed.sqrt x)
(integer-sqrt (* x base^k)))

(define (number->fixed x)
(round (* x base^k)))

(define (fixed->number x)
(/ x base^k))

(let ((one (number->fixed 1)))
(let loop ((a one)
(b (fixed.sqrt (quotient one 2)))
(t (quotient one 4))
(x 1))
(if (= a b)
(quotient (* a a) t)
(let ((new-a (quotient (fixed.+ a b) 2)))
(loop new-a
(integer-sqrt (* a b))
(fixed.- t (* x (fixed.square (fixed.- new-a a))))
(* 2 x)))))))

(define (pi-brent-salamin base k) ; k is number of digits
(let ((n (ceiling (inexact->exact (+ 2 (log k))))))
(quotient (pi-brent-salamin-approximate base (+ k n)) (expt base n))))

(define (main arg)
(let ((k (string->number arg)))
(pretty-print (time (pi-brent-salamin 10 k)))


xxxx$ cd ~/Desktop
xxxx$ gsi
Gambit v4.6.5

>(load "pi.scm")
>(main "300")
(time (pi-brent-salamin 10 k))
2 ms real time
2 ms cpu time (2 user, 0 system)
1 collection accounting for 1 ms real time (1 user, 0 system)
148768 bytes allocated
no minor faults
no major faults


Okita shrine in Okayama (岡山の沖田神社)

Beginning a new year, many people go to shrine for making wishes. I take Okita shrine for new year worship, just like a year ago being under construction with a new hall of worship, which is now completed the work. This picture shows entrance gate decorated with straw works, and the stone approach, continuing to stone stairs in front of hall of worship. "Shime" means a god's territory in Japanese. And "shime-nawa(rope)" is used to establish a sacrid territory. The straw works on the entrance gate is called shime-nawa.

This is a magnificient cleansing basin, standing by the entrance gate. People wash their hands here, then walk on stone approach to the hall of worship and make wishes.

This shrine is dedicated to a lady named Kita, who was offered to gods as a sacrifice for the hard work of land reclamation, and also to a samurai named Nagatada Tsuda, who was the main person in charge of the land reclamation. Both of them lived in 17th century. Kita is a legendary woman. Many historians say that she was not a real person. This picture shows the pottery statue of Nagatada with shime-nawa straw work on the way to the hall. 4 stripes of white paper tied up to shime-nawa is called "Gohei", which is originally a fabric offered to gods and turn to a paper work afterwards.

Behind the hall of worship, there is a hall for gods of the shrine. This picture shows the old wooden hall for gods that has a traditional shrine structure for about 10 meters high. Golden color object of the right side in this picture is a backside entrance of the hall of worship. This old wooden hall for gods was used to be for Kita, however many other popular gods who bring fortunes and lucks to believers had been invited to the hall and she had become hard to stay here. At last she left the hall and went to a small hut next to the hall.

This is a hut for Kita. I think it's pitiful even if she has no power for fortunes and lucks, and feel that she fell a victim to greed at the second time.

Another shrine, Doutsu-sama sits side by side with Okita shrine. This shrine is dedicated to a kind of snake, called Toubyo. Toubyo is believed to have a yellowish white ring around the neck, bring many fortunes to believers, and likes eggs.

Behind the hall of Doutsu-sama, there is a sanctuary of the shrine. This picture shows the wooden statue of snake offered with eggs in bamboo colander.

より大きな地図で Okita shrine (沖田神社) を表示

*Last year