




Kokonoe suspension bridge (九重夢大吊橋) in Ohita

This bridge was build in 2006, not for practical use, but for sightseeing; looking around beautiful mountains, waterfalls nearby, especially colored leaves in autumn.






In late autumn, the cold has come with strong wind from Northern China. Leaves of maple and ginkgo tree turned its color to red and yellow in each. Maybe, to be feeble and faint sunlight day by day makes me hurry to go to Shizutani School, where is famous of autumn colored leaves.

It was in summer about 40 years ago that I had come to be here in Shizutani School for the first time. Getting off railway station at Yoshinaga, we began to walk toward Shizutani School on the bumpy uphill road. It was a hot summer day. I had to carry a heavy knapsack on my back for about 3 miles. Drops of sweat had been falling down from my forehead continuously. When I found a tunnel in my way, it was a great relief.

This picture shows the tunnel.

Passing through the tunnel, there is full of autumn leaves and you would know the arrival to Shizutani School, surrounded with stone wall.

Walking down along the stone wall, you could find the main gate, which is not allowed to pass, probably due to collect entrance fee. There sites a entrance gate to the right side.

In front of the main gate, it was held an autumn festival and dancers were spinning with fluttering their hands in korean traditional clothes (probably) on the grass. There is a car parking beyond them.

We came here for camping 40 years ago, and had spent a night just beyond the grass. It reminds me of the magnificent campfire and delicious curry with rice even now.

Just before nightfall, we had been down by the moutain stream nearby. Water was trickling over the rocks and falling down to a shallow pool. We washed rices, onions, carrots and so on for supper.

Walking up along the moutain stream for about 1500ft., there is a cabin, called Kouyoutei; for tea ceremony within maple trees of yellow-colored leaves; that is surrounded with full of autumn leaves.


より大きな地図で Shizutani School を表示


AppleMacSoft DRM Converter

software name: AppleMacSoft DRM Converter
software version: 3.6.0 on Mac OSX 10.6.4
estimation: useless



ソフトの使用には CD-RW が必要とある。だから、 CD-RW をソフトの指示通りにドライブに挿入。
CD-RW の内容が消去され、iTune が起動され、DRM づいた曲を検索後、その数を報告するようになっている。しかし、どう見ても、その数が0になっている。
そこで作業が終わればいいのだか、このソフトは永遠に CD-RW の消去を繰り返すのみだ。

まあ率直に云って、そんなアホな事をしているくらいなら、DRMづいた曲を手作業でAIFFで CD-RW に書き出してやればいいのだ。



Usuki dreaming, stone Buddhas in Usuki, Ohita Pref. (臼杵幻想)

It has been my desire for over 30 years to be here in Usuki and see the stone statues of Buddha, his dependents. Many wishes, desires have gone away among my hands for long time. So many visions vanished into dust. Nothing was left to be certain.

After I passed through the strong wind from seashore, I found an guide post that leads me to the destination.

Walking up along the path spreading around the stone statues, I felt a strange shadow approaching me. It was a vague, sparkling image in the shimmer under autumn leaves.

The shadow gradually transformed into a certain shape. That was a little girl, stretching her hand for me. She smiled and took my hand and walked on with me. It was just a daydream, but I had a queer sensation that I met her somewhere, sometime in times past.

She began to walk fast, suddenly stopped and pointed a wooden explanation plate with her fine finger. Then she stepped foward to one of the stone statue in front of me, and disappeared into the stone. I could not take my eyes off the place where she vanished.

The statue was carved out of a part of the cliff, and was considered to be build in the 12th century. Eight hundreds years is almost same meaning as eternity, compared to my lifetime. Suddenly, A voice explaining stone Buddhas could be heard from down the path.







11月3日 水曜日

場所 王子ガ岳の海岸
時間 早朝
